
Mauricio Martin Hartwig founder of the company RMH in Chile. QUALITY AS A MATTER OF THE HEART 2024 is an anniversary year for the company RMH in Chile. It is ten years since founder Mauricio Martin Hartwig took the plunge into self-employment in the trade of equipment for fire brigades, rescue services, the military and the police. We have been able to accompany RMH as a sales and service partner for ambulances and special vehicles for six of those years. An inspiring partnership, because not only the charismatic com- pany founder and CEO himself, but also his entire team have a wealth of practical experience. Almost all of the 15 employees in the areas of mechanics, technology, accounting and foreign trade are or were firefighters themselves and have experienced first-hand which equipment and vehicle characteristics emp- ower and strengthen emergency services. Their experience and passion are clearly reflected in the selection of the RMH product portfolio. “The firefighters and medical professionals in Chile are committed and open to new ideas. We want to have a 28 RMH brings new