
29 positive influence on the level of their equipment with our high- quality brands and offer them the best quality so that they can carry out their important tasks well protected”, says Mauricio Hartwig, summarising his team’s motivation. Communicating quality holistically Part of the holistic concept is that products and vehicles are not only sold, but that training is also provided on how to use them. RMH offers training courses so that emergency crews can utilise the full potential of the high-quality equipment. One detail is particularly important to Mauricio: “Our colleagues in the field are not salespeople in the traditional sense who co- ver certain regions, but product specialists who offer inten- sive training courses throughout the country free of charge. They don’t just teach how to use an appliance, but how to use it better.” RMH is also pursuing the goal of improving the mar- ket as a whole. In the firefighting industry, the framework agreement with the National Association of Firefighters of Chile marks a decisive milestone on this path, because Mauricio knows: “Once you’ve worked with brand quality, you won’t go back to sub- standard.” standards to Chile