
3 We can only react appropriately to developments in our environment, society and technology if we ourselves do not stand still. And the best way for us to do this is through dialogue with other people - this is no different in our personal lives than it is in the business world. That‘s why we are not only grateful for the partnership-based dialogue with our customers, but also proud to accom- pany them in their development. Be it when, like RMH in Chile and LIMEAR in Uganda, they drive forward the re- scue services in their countries or, like the London Am- bulance Service, promote e-mobility. At Düsseldorf Air- port, Frank Solomon supports his team in developing their skills and we learnt from wound expert Tobias Down that sometimes you have to give change time. WAS line co- ordinator Nadine Hillebrand impressed us with her pro- fessional development. Perhaps the reports and stories in this issue will also inspire new ideas in our readers. IMPRINT EDITORIAL Publisher Wietmarscher Ambulanz-und Sonderfahrzeug GmbH Marketing / Communications Resp.: Simone Bergmann Darwinstr. 11 D-48488 Emsbüren Phone: +49 5903 93201-100 Fax: +49 5903 93201-602 marketing@was-vehicles.com www.was-vehicles.com www.facebook.com/was.vehicles www.instagram.com/was_vehicles www.linkedin.com/company/was-vehicles Layout&Conception Hagenhoff Werbeagentur Liebigstraße 29 49074 Osnabrück www.hagenhoff.de Print April 2024 Bitter & Loose GmbH Mergenthalerstr. 18 48268 Greven www.bitterundloose.de Photo Credits p. 9 top Andreas Wiese, Düsseldorf Airport p. 13-15 Marine nationale/BMPM p. 16-19 Melanie Ziegner, Content Manager, Wundex Group p. 23 London Ambulance Service p. 24 top left, 26 LIMEAR p. 28-31 RMH konsequent Graef/Sutthoff GbR Kollegienwall 24 49074 Osnabrück www.konsequent-pr.de Roland Müller Dr. Patrick Kresse Andreas Plöger