
6 Like everywhere else, but also so different The airport fire brigade is authorised as a private company for emergency rescue services at Düsseldorf Airport. Frank Salo- mon, Head of Fire Service Operations and Deputy Managing Director of the Rescue Service, is responsible for the one thousand hectare operational area at the airport, which is home to an average of around 70,000 people every day - as many as a small German town. While all fire brigades in Ger- many work in accordance with the Fire Protection, Emergency Services and Disaster Control Act (BHKG), airport fire briga- des are also subject to the regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), which issues all rules for airports worldwide. It issues recommendations, which the Ministry of Transport of the respective country turns into a legal basis. Rescue services and fire engines must be able to reach any point on the runway in just three minutes. By comparison, a professional fire brigade in the rest of the country has eight Emergency services are also prepared for emergen- cies with the help of virtual reality.