
7 minutes to arrive at the scene. The team at the airport must be mobilised from the station in 30 seconds. In order to keep to these times, the heavy fire-fighting vehicles are highly mo- torised, and the four WAS 500 RTW box vehicles in accor- dance with DIN-EN 1789 based on Mercedes ambulances also have the necessary power under the bonnet. The good road conditions and the airport’s infrastructure are one of the prerequisites for meeting the tight deadlines. The other is the team. To ensure that the more than 230 colleagues, including 198 trained rescuers, are fit for emergencies at all times, regu- lar service sports and exercises are part of everyday working life. “Düsseldorf Airport is a good workplace that promotes a sense of community and respectful cooperation. We are very well equipped for the obligatory two hours of duty sports. There is a grass sports field and two indoor sports areas, one in the security station and a larger one for all airport emp- loyees,” praises Frank Salomon, who highly values the posi-