As a growing company we are taking responsibility. Not only for more than 350 employees, but also for our handling of resources. That is why we make decisions that enable us to work in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. Since 1997, without interruption, we have held the DIN EN ISO 14001 environmental management certification.
When it comes to the use of materials, we are thinking one step ahead of the value-added chain. As robust and hard-wearing as our products may be, at some point every special vehicle has to be replaced. It's a good thing not only that our box bodies and interior furnishings are completely recyclable, but also that all materials used are free of CFCs. When it comes to energy consumption, we take a number of approaches. For one thing, throughout the entire company we use 100% climate-neutral green electricity from Stadtwerke Schüttorf-Emsbüren GmbH, generated by sustainable hydropower plants. What's more, we are constantly improving the weight and aerodynamics of our design in order to reduce fuel consumption. In addition, for some time now we have been researching electric alternatives for powering ambulances. Energy-saving LED technology for improving our energy balance has, of course, long been on our agenda. We are also constantly on the lookout for improvements with a view to minimising energy consumption.
With these measures we are already making an initial contribution to environmental protection. However, we do not want to rest on our laurels, but continue to develop ideas as to how we can improve our environmental balance sheet.