The WAS Multi-Load Assist entry assistance system has been developed to take the stress away from both patients and paramedics. Paramedics no longer have to struggle to lift the wheeled stretcher with the patient into the emergency ambulance. They wheel the stretcher to the loading position and couple the stretcher to the system to activate entry assistance. The special soft control pulls the wheeled stretcher slowly and smoothly onto the ambulance table. The stretcher is likewise secured to the table automatically and completely reliably. The term Multi-Load in the system name refers to another major advantage: WAS Multi-Load Assist is compatible with all conventional wheeled stretcher systems. WAS Multi-Load Assist can also be retrofitted for all Hydropuls Comfort ambulance tables. This WAS innovation means paramedics' backs are protected. For patients, it reduces the stress because they are transferred in the ambulance interior gently, quietly and smoothly.